Sina Smith, MS, MA, LAc, MD is an international speaker, author, and educator who trained as a general surgeon before pivoting to acupuncture when her hand became paralyzed due a repetitive stress injury from performing surgeries. Amazed by the power of traditional East Asian medicine, she became a licensed acupuncturist, which was the door for her subsequent studies in integrative, culinary, and functional medicine. Dr. Smith has 3 advanced degrees in physiology and biophysics, medical education, and acupuncture and completed a fellowship in surgical education. She has delivered well over 100 invited talks, workshops, and courses for national and international medical education groups, conventional and alternative medical schools, businesses and not-for-profit organizations, and governmental agencies, including the US Department of Defense and Walter Reed Medical Center. Dr. Smith was the founding Director of Integrative and Culinary Medicine at SIU School of Medicine, has been on faculty at several other medical schools and acupuncture colleges, and has served on the executive boards of several state and national organizations. She is the author of the newly released book, “Demystifying Acupuncture: Modern Answers About Ancient Medicine.” Dr. Smith maintains her clinical practice—Chicago Healing Center—in Illinois, is passionate about dance, changing her hair color, and travel, and emphatically believes that food is our best medicine.
Act 1 of SPEAK: Resilience features 9 incredible talks. (click the photo to read their bio) <br> 🎤 IVY SLATER: “The Dance of Resilience: Overcoming Obstacles - Achieving" <br> 🎤 STEVE LENTINI: “TWhen Life Took the Reins” <br> 🎤 JANET MCCONNELL: “Resilience Redefined: The Power of Figuring It Out” <br> 🎤 STEVE COHEN: “ Green” <br> 🎤 RICHARD KELLNER: “Resilience - Transforming Loss into Legacy” <br> 🎤 DR. SINA SMITH: “Knives to Needles: Why I Traded Surgery for Acupuncture” <br> 🎤 PAUL GLOVER: “Resilience: The Unwelcomed Gift.” <br> 🎤 SHOBA RAO “Speak Up: Moving Beyond Bias and Barriers” <br> 🎤 FRANK KING “Gay, in My DNA” <br> 🎤 ANDREA WILSON WOODS: “How Saving my Sister Saved Myself”