Elle O’Flaherty, JD, PCC, ACCG, CCSP, CPRW is a performance optimization speaker and executive coach with a specialization in ADHD coaching. Elle founded Interlace Solutions Coaching, a firm dedicated to unlocking clients’ potential by harnessing their genius.
Elle is a sought-after speaker who gives audiences meaty new learning delivered with humor. Her work has been published in national and international media outlets and her groundbreaking course teaching coaches and counselors how to work with ADHD
clients has been lauded by participants and coaching educators.
Elle holds a J.D. from the College of William & Mary and a journalism degree from James Madison University. She is a subject matter expert on international agricultural trade, which doesn’t come up much. She lives in Washington, DC, with the most beautiful dog in the world,
Penny. And a great family, but the dog is hard to beat.
Act 1 of SPEAK: Freedom features 5 incredible talks to start our show.