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Approaching each day with curiosity for the unknown, J. Lumen’s enthusiasm to live the best life possible radiates from her smile. But it wasn’t always that way. As an inspiring motivational speaker and coach, J. shares her personal story about feeling trapped in her life believing she had to suck it up and tolerate it because that’s what adults are supposed to do. But where’s the joy in that? After surviving an unexpected attempt on her life, she realized she better get busy living before it was too late. Using the transformation of her own life, J. created The Unknown Bucket List, a unique approach to living your best life possible, authentically true, and not defined by means or circumstances. She’s now on a global mission to teach people how to flip the switch on their thinking, stop waiting, and start living. Why? Because no one deserves to live a life they regret, but people who enjoy their lives are happier, kinder, and more patient which can have a ripple effect around the world. And couldn’t we all use a little more of that, too?

All Sessions by J. Lumen

8:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Bellmore Playhouse - Mainstage

The SPEAK Podcast: Act 2

Act 2 of SPEAK: Impact features the 4 final talks to close our show. (click the photo to read their bio) <br> 🎤 MARLA CORSON: “From Frustration to Action: My Journey in Driving Diversity and Inclusion" <br> 🎤 LISA SHUMATE: “The Optimist Option” <br> 🎤 CAROL ENNEKING: “Surrender, Trust, and Faith: Rethinking The Power Dynamic of Balance” <br> 🎤 J. LUMEN: “The Impact of Indecision: Hindsight is 20/20, If You Live to See It”