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Joanna Formont

SPEAK: Grief

Joanna Formont is a licensed mental health counselor and is the Executive Director of SIBSPlace. SIBSPlace is part of Mount Sinai South Nassau. Ms. Formont graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from the State University of New York at Stony Brook and Teachers College, Columbia University with a master's degree in counseling psychology. She has provided individual and group services to children and families in crisis for over 18 years.Ms. Formont coordinates the development and implementation of an activities-based curriculum for children's anticipatory grief and bereavement programming. She co-facilitates the verbal activity groups and started a teen support group to help address the needs of the older child. Ms. Formont also assists with bereavement groups as needed. She contributes to planning and co-facilitates on and off-site activities and events and provides support and guidance to program participants. Ms. Formont oversees participant and volunteer records, completes intake, and monitors monthly outreach. Ms. Formont also assisted the World Trade Center Family Center by providing client and outreach services. In 2011 Ms. Formont co-authored Staying Afloat- A Support Guide to Help Parents and Well Siblings Cope with Family Illness. She is currently a member of the SIBSPlace, Inc. Board.

All Sessions by Joanna Formont

7:05 pm - 8:15 pm
Launchpad Five One Six - The Studio

SPEAKers: Act 1

Act 1 of SPEAK: Grief features 6 incredible talks. (click the photo to read their bio) <br> 🎤 LEANN HOYE: “The Truth of Regret” <br> 🎤 DEBORAH GREENHUT: “Grief: The Unraveling” <br> 🎤 CALVIN D. SUN: “ Grief Is a Journey, Not a Destination” <br> 🎤 SHERI-ANN BEST “Quiet Coincidence” <br> 🎤 MONIQUE DENTON: “The Assignment” <br> 🎤 JOANNA FORMONT: “The Shoulds of Grief”