Judith M. Weigle has been a mediator for 14 years and in private practice family law for 12 years. Her company, Divorce Resource, Inc., provides both mediation and filing services. Judith is one of those rare individuals who can make you laugh while you’re going through a painful experience. Her ability to see through the complexities of emotion in order to help people think through and reach a negotiated settlement is unparalleled in the field of divorce mediation. Weigle’s mediation experiences include Divorce and Family Mediation, Community and Personal Mediation with the Dispute Resolution Program at the Office of the Los Angeles City Attorney, and Mediator and Arbitrator with the Los Angeles County Bar Attorney-Client Fee Dispute Program. Judith’s Philosophy: Be Honest and Authentic, Speak From the Heart, and Take Responsibility for Your Actions.
Act 1 of SPEAK: Family features 6 incredible talks. (click the photo to read their bio) <br> 🎤 TANYA DALTON: “My Family Secret: The Price of Silence” <br> 🎤 SHERI-ANN BEST: “The Quiet Coincidence” <br> 🎤 JEFF KLEIN: “The Moses of Shreveport” <br> 🎤 JACKIE BAILEY: “Happily Even After” <br> 🎤 JUDITH M. WEIGLE: “Family Feud: Who Gets the Velvet Elvis?” <br> 🎤 LINDSAY HURTY: “Leaning Into Vulnerability: One Mom’s Story”