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Robert Simels

SPEAK: Disrupt

Robert Simels is a graduate of New York Law School 1974. He was Special Asst. Attorney General NYS Special Prosecutor and was a defense attorney for 30 years.

All Sessions by Robert Simels

7:05 pm - 8:15 pm
Launchpad Five One Six - The Studio

SPEAKers: Act 1

Act 1 of SPEAK: Disrupt features 5 incredible talks. (click the photo to read their bio) <br> 🎤 DR. CARRIE JOHANSSON: “The Boundary Castle: How to Set Effective Boundaries with Ease” <br> 🎤 ROBERT SIMELS: “Tilting at Windmills” <br> 🎤 ANNE BOROW LAWRENCE: “The Wake Up Call: A Cleverly Disguised Gift” <br> 🎤 RAY ANN HAVASY “Science for All” <br> 🎤 LINDA-MARIE MILLER: “Pretending Not to Know”