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SPEAK: Freedom


Welcome to the next pop-up event from SPEAK, the public speaking platform for people with ideas and stories. The theme for this pop-up is “Freedom” where we will be exploring the ideas and stories of 10 unique and diverse individuals in relation to our theme. Brought to you by producers George Andriopoulos, Fred P. Banny and Jason Martin.

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

Viktor Frankl

SPEAK: Freedom will be a celebration of our personal beliefs behind the concept of “freedom.” What is freedom to you? The knee jerk definition of freedom typically revolves around our individual liberties within a state or country that we live in but what if freedom isn’t that simple. 10 speakers will dive into their stories and ideas on July 13th to find the moments of truth, transformation and impact within their freedom journies. 






Derek Peterson

SPEAK: Freedom

Elle O’Flaherty

SPEAK: Freedom

Krista Giannak

SPEAK: Freedom

Peter Vox

SPEAK: Freedom

Rob McCaffrey

SPEAK: Freedom

Kerstin Decook

SPEAK: Freedom

Gayle Damiano

SPEAK: Freedom

Robert Esposito

SPEAK: Freedom

Del Adey-Jones

SPEAK: Freedom

Tom Hardin

SPEAK: Freedom

  • Date : 07/13/2023
  • Time : 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm (UTC-4)
  • Reg. Deadline : 07/14/2023 12:00 am
  • Venue : Bellmore Movies & Showplace, 222 Pettit Avenue, Bellmore, NY 11710


Jason Martin

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Fred P. Banny III

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George Andriopoulos

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